Mar 3, 2009

I'm such a blogger!!! :) Yes, as usual, I start my message - it's been a long time... To tell the truth - I started this blog when I was going to Ghana. so, I would reply to everybody all the question by one post :) I wanted to share and that time was full of new emotions that I couldn't keep much inside. But now, I'm shocked from time to time - when some people who are friends of my friends... tell me that they used to read my blog, it was very unexpected but nice! :0)

There were some changes in my life, but not super much. Right now I'm in Ukraine since November, a month ago started to match myself(looking for internship abroad :)), so, in a process now...

I don't like to upload all the pics I have, but the ones I upload - are all on facebook. Last album is about things I've made with my hands. :0)

If I miss Ghana and Egypt?... I do, but much more I miss people than countries by itself, would love to go to Ghana during next few years. And also now I dream about Asia - I really want to go to the islands there, they are som beautiful, to live in a small house on the water,... oh...

I'm finally at home, and some people from Ghana think that now I'm getting kilos, but it's not! I'm now less than I was in Ghana :S I'm 170 cm and have 50 kilos, that is too much! I don't want to be like a scary model :)) Actually, I feel ok, healthy and light enough to fly.:))

What I miss in Egypt as well - that is my super active self improvement life :) - 2 times a week language courses, 3-4 times a week few hours sport and, of course, studying cooking with my Kenyan and Korean friends! x

When will I write to this blog next? Don't know :) Some friends, thanks to them, told they they need me to write. But I usually write when I'm super full of emotions and there is nobody near to put them all on him/her/them. :) But tell me what is interesting for you in me, my life - I can try to write :))

Hugggs and all nicest emotions to everybody!!!! :0) xxxx