Oct 27, 2006

So, here we have a part of my room, that is still udnder decoration and renovation. 8) And a part of my foot - that show how i celebrate one special event!

Oct 25, 2006

My friends, it seems - you don't read my blog. 8) I understand that I upload the info not so often - anyway - I can send you the reminders - that I updated 8)

Oct 17, 2006

Sometimes Ghanaian habit to start many things 30-60 minutes late gives me the opportunity to do some things just for me, for example – writing to my friends.
Now I need to write some more things that disturbs my too serious and emotional mind just to feel calmer and easier. So, let’s start just list them: I feel embarrassed when I see pissing people all around, especially if they 2-3 meters from me end especially if I see them from front, I feel less comfortable when I see shitting people. I feel a little bit angry when boys don’t close the door to the toilet(in our house) while pissing. I feel sick when I hear all the noises(while somebody cleans everything that in his nose and throat ) that are going from the bathroom (my room is near it). I feel irritated when I go hungry with several dollars in my pocket and people think that I’m rich white person with hundreds Euros in the pocket and that I should give them some money or buy some present. By the way- all the things I write now are not so bad and have some positive sides and explanation, I just write the worst part to be free from them.

Diversity in roads, diversity in colours, diversity in nationalities! 8) Check, Serb, Nigerian, Dutch 8) and all of them somewhere on the trees in Ghanaian Forest! :0)

Kanapi walk! As I mentioed before.
I love treesssssss!!!!! 8))

This is how we rest sometimes!

By the way, this serf-board the intern brought from Brusseles. Another guy from Germany came with bike 8)))

Oct 11, 2006

Yes, now I have some possibility and emotions to write. My life during last month was very different. I spent 2 weeks in another city in a big family. I was in that city as a coacher for AIESEC KNUST Local Committee. May share some photos.
Now, back in Accra, preparing for the conference, that starts this Friday, a lot of work to do. My last 3 days were very different. Friday I spent on the funeral with Ghanaian traditions, Saturday I spent the day with 13 more foreigners from 13 different countries, we went to another city by small bus, such small that we were very much laughing when one huge Norwegian guy was trying to sit. 8) We lived in a nice hotel with crocodiles swimming around and went to a very nice Kakum park with a lot of huuuge and very valuable trees and the main thing was – kanopy walk- the road between trees that is made from ropes and wood on the high more then 30 metres. The road consists of 7 bridges and small stops-stantions between them. It was fun, especially watching how frightened Lithuanian girl is screaming because huge German guy(2,04 meters) started to walk after her and the bridge lost it’s stability. 8)
And Sunday the same people – we spent on the nice beach, where I collected many nice shells – so beautiful, that I couldn’t believe I found them and was happy as a child showing to everybody what I found! Yes, and because I was collecting them since 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. almost without stops, you can imagine the color of some parts of my body. When I look to the mirror – instead of my face I see the red ass of a monkey. Sad and funny. Hope – it will turn into tan soon.8)

The moment of "Freedom"! 8)

One of the dormitories in KNUST University!
The Uni is very big and beautiful/bright. I lived
near it for 2 weeks.