Aug 11, 2006

I miss my second home - AIESEC office/house in Accra, Ghana.
I'm away just for 1 day and already miss it...

Yes, it seems that I'm going to attend International Congress 2006! 8)

I'm very tired and very sad or angry or don't know how I feel,...
it's because of some airport security servise, when I arrived to
some country they checked EVERYTHING that I had with me!!!!
Two men, I hated that situation! I felt like I was some narco diller
or I don't know what they were looking for! They checked each even page
in my notebooks, every souvenir, every T-shirt, ....everything!
Oh, it was TERRRIBLE feeling!!!!

And I still wonder what they were looking for! I asked, but was to
emotional, so, received no clear answer - just - it's normal job,
but it's not normal - they selected me from the crowed,...I hate...